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美国国防部弹道导弹防御局正在管理着美国的无人机助推段拦截计划。这项计划的目的是研究无人机携带拦截弹的潜力,以便对战区弹道导弹提供一个助推段防御层。为了确定无人机助推段拦截系统的要求,正在进行技术评估和风险减小工作。空军器材司令部空间与导弹系统中心先进系统部已被选定为领导该种抛头该种拦截弹的“综合产品组”。  相似文献   
在国民党北上讨伐军阀吴佩孚、张作霖(1927—28)至日本全面侵犯中国本土的第一年年底(1937),这十年期间,总共约有150名意国顾问为蒋介石大元帅出谋划策,对于一个面对日本的侵略以及农村根据地的共产主义威胁而力求生存和现代化的政府来说,这些顾问的重要性已为人们所认识,有一些专论记叙了德方在南京的外交政策及非官方使命的实施情况。然而,若将军事方面当作一种国内改革以揭示出如何使政策变为行动的,却不是一件容易的事。中国人的计划与文告中有一种掩饰当代现实的倾向,这个现实最难以驾驭的乃是在以前本来是军阀的军人中,甚至在名义上已称为中央军的军人中仍坚持军阀主义的习惯势  相似文献   
有关苏联战略导弹的设计、研制和生产的信息,从公开途径一般是得不到的。苏联是很少发表这类信息的;偶而报道几个关键数字,但很少会说明它们在洲际弹道导弹和潜射弹道导弹研制中的作用。业已公诸于世的个别细节,往往都是有关苏联航天计划中个人或组织的作用问题。本文是根据苏联公布的材料和西方防务机构零星发表的材料而写成的。苏联掌握战略弹道导弹的军种有两个:战略火箭军掌握洲际弹道导弹,海军掌握潜射弹  相似文献   
本文介绍两种跟踪机动目标的方法。跟踪滤波器由两个主要部分组成:目标加速度估计和目标机动的检测。第一种方法是首先假定目标的加速度为若干分段加速度值,进行构造加速度估计器。机动检测用以证明上述假设是否正确,即证明目标是否仍保持等加速运动。如果断定目标有机动,则滤波器被重新预置,并识别出加速度值。第二种方法是建立在非线性状态模型基础上的,该模型对平面内机动的目标和非等加速运动的目标跟踪精度较好。  相似文献   
This article discusses the impact of Complex Humanitarian Emergencies on the delivery of humanitarian aids. Complex emergencies were the results of long-term political and social disputes. Its impact brings about public health crises like epidemics, malnutrition, and even widespread desperation. In fact, there are four aspects of these crises which complicate public health programs: 1) emergencies are long and recurring; 2) access to the most vulnerable population is often restricted; 3) restructuring health systems in complex emergencies can be futile; and 4) complex emergencies often result in mass forced migration. What makes matters worse is the breakdown of health networks which collapse early in complex emergencies, leading to extensive losses of human health resources. Not only that, health facilities and transportation, infrastructure are often decimated in complex emergencies, and regional hospitals, district health posts, laboratories, and primary care outposts are similarly abandoned or destroyed. Moreover, because it is difficult to predict the course of these emergencies, ascertaining the optimal time to intervene and to invest in materials and facilities that could be lost to renewed fighting can be impossible. To solve this problem requires a coordinated effort. It should also focus on resources, early warning systems, preparedness measures, ongoing career training of relief workers, and prepositioning of relief supplies.  相似文献   
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